Time Flies When You’re Having Rehearsal.

Time Flies When You’re Having Rehearsal.

Hi everyone! I hope you all are staying cool and enjoying the summer.

Man – it sure has been awhile since my first post. I find it hysterical that the title of it was “Will It Be Worth It” which was shortly lived and led to me being like “ah heck nah – I ain’t doin that”. Believe it or not, that was not my intentions. I became very busy with shows and rehearsal schedules. Please, forgive me?

Ok – now that that’s over.

What a summer it’s been thus far! Do you agree? I find it interesting how in life we can approach things believing that everything will go one way. We have this perfectly detailed itinerary of what we plan to accomplish, to do, to NOT do. However, for some strange reason. BAM! That nice Times New Roman 12 point font typed itinerary (that was a mouth full) becomes flipped upside down and looks like a cross word puzzle for dyslexics.

Was that a bad analogy – using unpolitically correct humor and making fun of dyslexics??? I so think so I.

#DyslexicLivesMatter (It’s trending – I promise. If Ron Weasley’s life can matter so can dyslexics).

Was that another bad joke – at gingers this time. Nah.. Maybe you red it wrong.

In any case, my summer has been an interesting one for sure. It began with me in search of a summer job. I had a couple of job interviews lined up and was really looking forward to making something of my break – stay busy, make some extra cash, save up for a car. The possibilities seemed endless.

BAM! Both of my job interviews fell through.

Why? Why won’t anyone hire me? Am I not good enough? What am I doing wrong? Question after question after question. My summer was already taking a turn for the worst. The words on my itinerary were starting to cross and I knew my hashtag was soon to be trending.

I red it somewhere. (sorry, I can’t get enough of that joke).

Shortly after – I was contacted by a local theatre. A few cast members had dropped out and they were seeking help. The beauty of theatre – it is a community of people. We are here to support each other and drive them to success in anyway possible. I said yes – with a little apprehension at first. What about a job? What about money?

Do I regret it? Not at all.

Would I do it again? In a heartbeat.

I am so thankful to be apart of Oklahoma! The cast, crew, and everyone in between have been some of the most supportive people I have ever met.

Sure – I didn’t get paid. Nor did I get a lead role. But, what I did get in the process, far outweighs the impermanent life of money and status. I’ve got friends. I’ve got connections with people that I will cherish for a lifetime.

But the thing that “upstages” them all…


Thank you Mill Town. Your smiles have made mine bigger. download

Until next time,

-James Austin